اعاده حیثیت

متن دختر و پسری چند روز پیشم معلوم بود به ذائقه آقایون خوش نمیاد ولی محکوم کردن اینجانب به زن ذلیلی اونم از نوع حاد یه مقدار غیر قابل هضمه اینه که برای اثبات بی طرفی و برقرار کردن تعادل این بار یه متن به حمایت از آقایون تقدیم میکنم .وای به حالتون اگه این متن رو لحاظ نکنین!!!ترجمه این متن هم بزودی در همین صفحه قرار داده میشه

Difference between boys and girls while using ATM
(Bank's cash
dispenser machines)
Boys: > > >
Drive to the bank
Park and go to the Cash Dispenser.
Insert card
Dial code and desired amount
Take the cash, the card and the slip

Girls: > > >
Drive to the bank
Engine stalled
Check make-up in the mirror
Apply perfume
Manually check haircut
Park the car - failure
Park the car - failure
Park the car - Success
Search for the card in the handbag
Insert card,
Card rejected by the machine
Throw phone card back in handbag
Look for bank card
Insert Card
Look for Secret Box (where secret code is > > >
written) in
Enter code
Study instructions for 2 minutes
Re-enter code
Call Boyfriend/husband to get correct the code
Enter desired amount
Enter bigger amount
Enter maximum amount
Cross fingers
Take cash
Go back to the car
Check make up in rear mirror
Look for keys in handbag
Start car
Drive 50 meters
Drive back to bank machine
Go out of the car
Take card and ticket back from machine
Go back to the car
Throw card on passenger seat
Throw slip on the floor
Check make up in rear mirror
Manually check haircut
Go into roundabout - wrong way
Go into roundabout - right way.
Drive 5 kilometers
Remove hand brake
Call boyfriend/husband to tell how miserable she was
because of HIM.